The Coffin Club- Blog Tour


Author: Jacqueline Sutherland
Publisher: Point Blank
Publishing Date: 7th April 2022

Many thanks to Random Things Tour and the publishing team for my copy of the book and a spot on the blog tour


Some people would kill for a second chance.
Kat is rebuilding her life. After losing her husband in a tragic accident, moving to the countryside is her chance to start again.
Encouraged by her new and only friend Ginny, Kat joins New Horizons, dubbed the Coffin Club by its members. And that’s how she meets Nico. Instantly drawn to each other, Nico seems like Kat’s perfect match. He is kind, caring, handsome and, most importantly, a father to five-year-old Magdalena. This could be Kat’s shot at the one thing she has always wanted: to be a mother.

My Thoughts

A psychological thriller that packed a lot, but I was initially not sure what direction this book would go in or what to expect but I am glad I got the opportunity to read it. 

The story is told from Kats POV which means we delve in to her psyche and unleash her flaws and insecurities.  Kat looses her husband in a horrific car accident which she survived but  has a permanent scar on her face that is a constant reminder and fuels her low self esteem. Not only fighting these thoughts Kat dreamed of being a mother and now she feels after loosing the love of her life that it just won't happen anymore.  Kat makes plans to end her life and whilst driving her car she runs into a deer. In a twist of fates she wants to help the animal so takes to  Ginny who runs the local animal sanctuary. They strike up a peculiar but fond friendship and Ginny helps Kat during this time and encourages her to pick herself up again and start to go back out in the world and live it.

Kat joins the Coffin Club which is actually called New Horizons and becomes good friends with Nico who seems to be perfect and he has a daughter.  The share a similar tragic story of a loss of a partner and no family or friends, so soon the friendships blossoms into a romantic relationship and all 3 move in together. However Nico is a Spanish ex-pat living in the UK based around Brexit and there is a chance he may have to leave, which threatens Kats new found family and everything she has yearned for. To keep her 2 loves; Nico and Midge the pair decide to get married. 

Kat is the adoring mother to Nico and tries her best at everything she does for her step daughter and husband. But soon unsettling events and behaviours start to take place. As this a POV from Kat this is where it gets interesting because is Kat being paranoid or is there something more to Nico. 

An interesting take was the conversations that Kats is having with her late husband Sam as if he is still here. The tension builds as there is plenty of secrets, twists and turns that lead up to the finale and keeps you turning the page. 


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