That Green eyed girl- Blog Tour
Author: Julie Owen Moylan
Publisher: Micheal J Books
Publishing Date: 12th May 2022
Many thanks to the publishing team for my digital copy and a spot on the tour
1955: In an apartment on the Lower East Side, school teachers Dovie and Gillian live as lodgers. Dancing behind closed curtains, mixing cocktails for two, they guard their private lives fiercely. Until someone guesses the truth . . .
1975: Twenty years later in the same apartment, Ava Winters is keeping her own secret. Her mother has become erratic, haunted by something Ava doesn’t understand – until one sweltering July morning, she disappears.
Soon after her mother’s departure, Ava receives a parcel. Addressed simply to ‘Apartment 3B’, it contains a photo of a woman with the word ‘LIAR’ scrawled across her face. Ava does not know what it means or who sent it. But if she can find out then perhaps she’ll discover the answers she is seeking – and meet the woman at the heart of it all . . .
My Thoughts
Apartment 3B holds so many secrets drenched into its walls and when two different timelines become intertwined, chaos seemingly descends whilst unfolding the truth.
Wonderfully written and touching on a sensitive topic in such a way that it leaves you pondering but also pulls on your heartstrings. I liked the alternating chapters between both timelines as it showed progress in the plot but also kept me reading as I wanted to learn about the events.
We learn more about Dovie and Gillians relationship which runs deeper than a friendship and when Judith learns about this she is willing to go to great lengths to expose them. What they thought would be a fun dinner party turns very sour for Dovie and Gillian and they soon regret the choice they made. For Ava I felt such heartache, what 15 year old should have to go through what she is going through. But when she finds a friend in Viola I felt elated for her and just hoped she wouldn't get betrayed by her.
I think the author did a wonderful job in delicately dealing and portraying some really sensitive topics within the book. The characters were thoughtfully well developed and the book takes you on a trip to NYC and you get a sense of the surroundings.
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