You'll Never Walk Alone- Review


Author: Rachel Kelly 
Publisher: Midas Publishing/ Yellow Kite 
Publishing Date: 3rd November 2022 

Many Thanks to the publishing team for sending me physical signed copy :) 


Words can be a way to unlock our feelings. Poetry allows us to be in touch with our emotions and helps us unlock and explore our vulnerability.

You'll Never Walk Alone is a collection of the kind of inspirational texts - mainly poems - that can accompany us, whatever we are feeling, from sorrow to delight. The texts are not just about words which can console us or comfort us - though they often do this too. Rather these are poems that allow us to enjoy a full range of emotions. The poems are organised according to the season in which they 'belong': we all have seasons of our minds, be they wintery and dark, or more spring-like and hopeful. Comprising 52 poems, with analysis by Rachel, You'll Never Walk Alone introduces a poem for each week of the year plus tips on bringing poetry into your life.

This book will show you how to bring poetry into your everyday emotional reality, where it can be a new tool for wellbeing. And one that means you'll never walk alone.

My Thoughts
The opening introduction pages where beautifully written that they resonated so much. The author highlights the need of utilising our emotions and feelings and writing words down to express both the joys and down times of what we are going through. As this not only beneficial within that moment of time but also when reflecting. It made so much sense and links into journaling etc. 

The poems are cleverly categorised into four sections with season and emotions: Winter- Sadness, Spring- Hope, Summer -Joy,  and Autumn-Reflection. After each poem we also get a narrative relating to the creator of the poem and then to tie off the paragraph the author provides a personal reflection. 

I haven't read a poem book like this before and I think it is really well done as you start to contemplate what it means to you but also gain insight from the author and another perspective. 

The final chapter was informative about poetry and how to make it more relatable and personable to you. I have written a few odd poems every now and gain and reading this chapter has made me want to carry on. And we also gain small biographies. 

Poem 47 is my absolute favourite. Titled 'Love After Love by Derek Walcott.

The time will come
where, with elation 
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the others welcome

I also have to add the Illustrations in this book are simple but stunning and just rounds the book off beautifully. 

About the Author

Rachel Kelly is a keynote speaker, bestselling writer and mental health campaigner. She shares her experience of depression and evidence-based strategies that helped her recover. Rachel has spoken all over the world from Delhi to Sydney, America and across the UK. Her four critically acclaimed books are published in over 10 countries. Rachel is also a well-known media commentator and former Times journalist as well as an official ambassador for mental health charities Rethink Mental Illness, SANE, The Counselling Foundation and Head Talks.

Her long-standing passion for poetry led to her becoming the co-founder of the iF poetry app (2011) and co-editorof iF: A Treasury of Poetry for Almost Every Possibility (Canongate, 2012). She is the author of Black RainbowThe Happy KitchenWalking on Sunshine and Singing in the Rain. Rachel lives in London with her husband, Sebastian, and their five children.


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