Before You Say I Do- Blog Tour


Author: Sharon Ibbotson 
Publisher: Joffe Books 
Publishing Date: 7th August 2024 

Many Thanks to the publishing team and Hygee Book Tours for my digital copy and a spot on the tour 


What if you were planning the wedding of the year . . . for the man you were
meant to marry? Wedding planner Ari Lightowler doesn’t believe in happily-ever-after. Her job is to create the perfect magical wedding for demanding brides. And certainly not focus on her own heartache.

When Ari is invited to plan the upcoming ‘society wedding of the year’ in New York she arrives at the sprawling estate to meet the happy couple.
The only problem? The groom is Tom Somerset, her long-lost love. And father of her child.

Eight years ago Ari met Tom at Reykjavik airport. After a whirlwind romance, Tom was called home to New York. He promised to return for Ari.

He never came back. And she never got to tell him she was expecting his child. Now Ari must deal with the whims of a society bridezilla. And the unresolved tensions with Tom. Because Tom did go back for Ari.

The only question now is who will say I do?

My Thoughts 

 A heartbreaking and whirl wind romance!

The blurb leaves you open to so many questions and open to interpretation as to why did Ari not tell Tom about her pregnancy and why did Tom not keep in touch. 

The reunification for Ari and Tom and the retelling of that did take long but I appreciate the author for doing this as you get to relive each moment in their lives and the turns and the missed and open opportunities they had until they did come back again allowed the story to develop well. 

We also get to meet Sebastian who is Ari brother and Luis who is Sebastian's partner. The relationship between all 3 was lovely to read and the sibling bond they had was beautiful. Ari was the protective sister and looked out foe Sebastian's through his tough times. 

I feel we briefly get to meet Sasha who is Toms partner and think this could have been developed a bit more because Sasha was also crucial in the storyline and wanted to read and hear a bit more from her. But nonetheless we do get to see some of her involvement in the planning of her wedding. 

Although the story is in the present we get flashbacks and past events seeping in which are very crucial to the book and they were very well done. The plot does have a multiple POV with different characters and some were more surprising to me! 

Overall a really good and enjoyable read!


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